Human Spaceflights

International Flight No. 333

Soyuz MS-22

K. E. Tsiolkovsky



Patch Soyuz MS-22 Patch Soyuz MS-22

hi res version (636 KB)

hi res version (573 KB)

 Patch Soyuz MS-22 (landing)

Launch, orbit and landing data

Soyuz MS-22
Launch date:  21.09.2022
Launch time:  13:54:49.531 UTC
Launch site:  Baikonur
Launch pad:  31
Altitude:  416 - 421 km
Inclination:  51.64°
Docking ISS:  21.09.2022, 17:06:34 UTC
Undocking ISS:  28.03.2023, 09:57:27 UTC
Landing date:  28.03.2023
Landing time:  11:45:58 UTC
Landing site:  147 km SE of Dzheskasgan
Duration Soyuz MS-22  187d 21h 51m 09s
Orbits:  2914
Soyuz MS-23
Launch date:  24.02.2023
Launch time:  00:24:29.466 UTC
Docking ISS:  26.02.2023, 00:58:00 UTC
Undocking ISS:  27.09.2023, 07:54:21 UTC
Landing date:  27.09.2023
Landing time:  11:17:05.6 UTC
Landing site:  148 km SE of Dzheskasgan
Duration Soyuz MS-23  215d 10h 52m 36s
Orbits:  3368
Launch date:  21.09.2022
Launch time:  13:54:49.531 UTC
Landing date:  27.09.2023
Landing time:  11:17:05.6 UTC
Duration Crew:  370d 21h 22m 16s
Orbits Crew:  5936

walkout photo

Crew Soyuz MS-22

hi res version (827 KB)

alternative crew photo

alternative crew photo

alternative crew photo

alternative crew photo

alternative crew photo

alternative crew photo


No.   Surname Given names Position Flight No. Duration Orbits
1  Prokopyev  Sergei Valerievich  Commander 2 370d 21h 22m 20s  5936 
2  Petelin  Dmitri Aleksandrovich  Flight Engineer 1 370d 21h 22m 20s  5936 
3  Rubio  Francisco Carlos "Frank"  Flight Engineer 1 370d 21h 22m 20s  5936 

Crew seating arrangement

1  Prokopyev
2  Petelin
3  Rubio
Soyuz MS spacecraft

Backup Crew

No.   Surname Given names Position
1  Kononenko  Oleg Dmitriyevich  Commander
2  Chub  Nikolai Aleksandrovich  Flight Engineer
3  O'Hara  Loral Ashley  Flight Engineer
Crew Soyuz MS-22 (backup)

hi res version (772 KB)

alternative crew photo


Launch vehicle:  Soyuz-2.1a (No. S15000-051)
Spacecraft:  Soyuz MS-22 (MS No. 751)


Launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Landing 147 km southeast of Dzheskasgan.

Following a three hour solo flight Soyuz MS-22 docked at 17:06:34 UTC with the Rassvet module of the International Space Station. Sergei Prokopyev, Dmitri Petelin and Francisco Rubio became Flight Engineers of the Expedition 67.

Graphics / Photos

Soyuz MS Soyuz MS
Soyuz MS crew in training
crew in training Soyuz MS-22 rollout
Soyuz MS-22 erection Soyuz MS-22 erection
Soyuz MS-22 on the launch pad Soyuz MS-22 launch
Soyuz MS-22 launch Soyuz MS-22 landing
Soyuz MS-22 recovery Soyuz MS-22 recovery
Soyuz MS-22 recovery


Last update on May 22, 2024.