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Denis Vladimirovich Matveyev

 Total EVAs:  4
 Total EVA time:  26h 07m

No. Date Together with Time Main tasks and notes
 1  18.04.2022  O. Artemyev  6h 37m
Both installed and connected a control panel for the European robotic arm, a 37-foot-long (10.6 meter) manipulator system mounted to the recently arrived Nauka multipurpose laboratory module. They removed protective covers from the arm and installed handrails on Nauka.
 2  28.04.2022  O. Artemyev  7h 42m
The duo jettisoned thermal blankets used to protect the arm during its July 2021 launch with Nauka. They also flexed the arm's joints, released launch restraints, and monitored the arm's ability to use two grapple fixtures.
 3  17.08.2022  O. Artemyev  4h 01m
They continued work on integrating the European remote manipulator ERA into the Russian segment of the ISS.
 4  02.09.2022  O. Artemyev  7h 47m
The primary objectives of the spacewalk were to relocate an external control panel for the arm from one operating area to another and test a rigidizing mechanism on the arm that will be used to facilitate the grasping of payloads.

Russia and the U.S. define EVA differently. Russian cosmonauts are said to perform EVA any time they are in vacuum in a space suit. A U.S. astronaut must have at least his head outside his spacecraft before he is said to perform an EVA.
In this table, we apply the Russian definition to Russian EVAs, and the U.S. definition to U.S.EVAs.