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Raja Jon Vurputoor "Grinder" Chari

 Total EVAs:  2
 Total EVA time:  13h 48m

No. Date Together with Time Main tasks and notes
 1  15.03.2022  K. Barron  6h 54m
The pair installed brackets and struts to support the future installation of an ISS Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA).
 2 23.03.2022  M. Maurer  6h 54m
The duo installed hoses on a Radiator Beam Valve Module that routes ammonia through the station's heat-rejecting radiators to keep systems at the proper temperature. The astronauts also installed a power and data cable on the Columbus module's Bartolomeo science platform, replaced an external camera on the station's truss, and conducted other upgrades to station hardware.