Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates

von Buedingen

Richard Paul


Personal data

Birthdate:  14.09.1938
Birthplace:  Rochester, New York
Marital status:  married
Children:  two
Selection date:  ??.02.1966
Position:  PLT
Status:  Ret. 04.08.1967

Additional information

M.D., FACS, FICS; Doctor of Medicine and Master of Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin Naval Aviator Naval Flight Surgeon Commander USN; Assoc. Professor Surgery (Urology) University of California Irvine Private practice of medicine Aiken Urological Associates, Aiken SC; semi finalist in NASA group 6 selection (ret. with cancellation of last 12 Apollo flights and Scientist Astronaut Program).


Last update on April 28, 2018.