Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Donald Vern


Don Keller

Personal data

Birthdate:  17.08.1930
Marital status:  married
Children:  two
Selection date:  ??.??.1965
Position:  PLT
Status:  Ret. 28.06.1965
Day of death:  12.03.2021
Place of death:  Albuquerque, New Mexico

Additional information

Ph.D. in high-energy particle physics; semi finalist in NASA group 4 selection. In 1969 he founded Effects Technology, Inc. This company performed experiments simulating nuclear weapons effects on materials in the laboratory and the Nevada Test Site NTS. In 1971 he founded Ktech Corporation in Santa Barbara, California; retired as chairman of Ktech Corporation ((now in Albuquerque, New Mexico) in January 2006.


Last update on June 05, 2022.