Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Charles William "Chuck"


Charles Booten

Personal data

Birthdate:  ??.??.1978
Marital status:  
Selection date:  ??.??.2012
Position:  PLT
Status:  Ret. 17.06.2013

Additional information

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University; semi finalist in NASA group 21 selection; currently employed by the NREL. His research is focused on heat transfer modeling, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system analysis and testing, and the study of grid-connected homes. Prior to working at NREL, Chuck was a project manager at Protonex Technology, where he directed the development of kilowatt-scale solid-oxide fuel cell systems for both military and civilian customers. His background is in experimental heat transfer and fluid mechanics.


Last update on April 30, 2018.