Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Christophorus "Chris"

The Netherlands

Personal data

Birthdate:  29.12.1951
Birthplace:  's-Gravenhage (The Haque)
Marital status:  married
Children:  two
Selection date:  31.08.1977
Position:  PSP
Status:  Ret. 22.12.1977

Additional information

Profession: chemist; place of residence in 1977: The Haque; one of five candidates from the Netherlands in the 1977 ESA selection (only Wubbo Ockels was selected as an astronaut); in 2005 Vice-Chairman of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Committee (APIC), Board Member EFCG / CEFIC.


Last update on April 30, 2018.