Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Jan Øivind


Personal data

Birthdate:  12.12.1957
Birthplace:  Oslo
Marital status:  
Selection date:  ??.??.1991
Position:  LS
Status:  Ret. ??.11.1991

Additional information

In 1982 he finished the external department of organic chemistry of Jewish university in Jerusalem; until 1984 he learned in the graduate study in the department of cellular microbiology at the university of Oslo; doctor of philosophy from the institute of oncology in Oslo; from 1985 until 1990 he worked in the department of the biochemistry of the institute of oncology in the Norwegian hospital of radiation medicine in Oslo; currently works as senior scientific worker in the institute of nourishment in Oslo; in 1990 he was one of five Norwegian candidates for the European astronaut group; but could not pass the first stage of the selection of the European Commission.


Last update on April 30, 2018.