Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Frank Elmer, Jr.


Frank Liethen

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Personal data

Birthdate:  09.03.1930
Birthplace:  Appleton, Wisconsin
Marital status:  married
Children:  four
Selection date:  ??.??.1963
Position:  Pilot
Status:  died 12.10.1966
Day of death:  12.10.1966
Place of death:  Indian Springs Auxiliary, Nevada

Additional information

Major, USAF; bachelor of science from the U.S. Naval Academy, 1953; master of science in electrical engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, 1959; 1963 for military astronaut - class-4 selected; later member of the aerobatics squadron Thunderbirds; in one of this flights on 12.10.1966 deceased (crash of his F-100 F with another F-100 near the Indian Springs Auxiliary Field, Nevada).


Last update on September 30, 2021.