Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Robert F.


Personal data

Birthdate:  ??.??.1948 (?)
Birthplace:  Rome, New York
Marital status:  
Selection date:  ??.??.1977 / ??.??.1980 / ??.??.1984
Position:  PLT
Status:  Ret. 16.01.1978 / 29.05.1980 / 23.05.1984

Additional information

Major General, USAF, Ret.; Bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1970; Master of science degree in aerospace engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, 1972; Master of business administration degree, Marymount University, College Park, 1991; at the time of his selection assigned at 6512 Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, California; semi finalist in NASA astronaut group 8, 9 and 10 selections; later Commander of the Air Force Command and Control, and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia; since 01.08.2003 retired.


Last update on April 30, 2018.