Biographien von Astronauten der USA


Larry Dean


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Persönliche Daten

Geburtsdatum:  08.08.1956
Geburtsort:  Bristol, Virginia
Familienstand:  verheiratet
Kinder:  zwei
Auswahl:  ??.09.1982
Auswahlgruppe:  MSE-2
Position:  MSE
Status:  ausgeschieden ??.12.1987


Nr. Mission Position Zeit Flugdauer

weitere biographische Informationen

Lieutenant General, USAF; Bachelor of Science in Astronautical Engineering von der USAF Academy, 1978; Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering vom MIT, 1982; 1982 für MSE-Gruppe-2 ausgewählt; im Dezember 1987 ausgeschieden; später Dienst im Office Space Systems im Pentagon; Juli 1995 - Januar 1996, Deputy Commander, 45th Operations Group, 45th Space Wing, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida; Januar 1996 - August 1996, Deputy Chief, Space Control Mission Team, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado; August 1996 - Mai 1997, Chief, Requirements and Programs Branch, Integration Division, Directorate of Plans, United States Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado; Mai 1997 - August 1998, Chief, Integration Division, Directorate of Plans, United States Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado; August 1998 - Juni 2000, Commander, 614th Space Operations Group and Chief of Operations, 14th Air Force, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Kalifornien; Juni 2000 - April 2001, Executive Officer to Commander-in-Chief, NORAD, Commander-in-Chief, United States Space Command and Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado; seit April 2001 Commander, 50th Space Wing, Schriever AFB CO; Juni 2003 - Juli 2004, Assistant Director of Air and Space Operations, Headquarters AFSPC, Peterson AFB, Colorado; befördert zum Brigadegeneral im Februar 2004; 18. Juli 2004 - Juli 2005 Vice Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB, Califonia; 19. Juli 2005 - Mai 2007, Director, Signals Intelligence Systems Acquisition and Operations Directorate, National Reconnaissance Office, Washington, D.C.; 20. Mai 2007 - Dezember 2008, Vice Commander, 5th Air Force, and Deputy Commander, 13th Air Force, Yokota Air Base, Japan; seit 21. Dezember 2008 Commander, 14th Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), Air Force Space Command, and Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space, USSTRATCOM, Vandenberg AFB, California


Letztes Update am 19. April 2018.