X-15 flights


Flight No. 91


X-15 patch

hi res version (185 KB)

Launch and landing data

Launch date:  22.08.1963
Launch time:  18:06 UTC (from B-52)
Altitude:  108.0 km
Landing date:  22.08.1963
Landing time:  18:17 UTC
max. speed:  6.105 km/h

hi res version (598 KB)


No.   Surname Given names Position Duration
1  Walker  Joseph Albert  Pilot 11m 08,6sec 

Crew seating arrangement

1  Walker


All X-15 pilots who reached an altitude of more than 80 kilometers or 50 miles earned the astronaut wings.

Graphics / Photos

Ground personnel gather around Joe Walker in X-15 no. 3 soon after the landing of the fifth astronaut qualification flight in the X-15 program.
Joe Walker proudly stands by X-15 no. 3 after his record altitude flight on 22 August 1963. Joe Walker is greeted by Paul Bikle, the director of the X-15 program, after his record altitude flight on 22 August 1963. This was Walker's third and final astronaut qualification flight in the X-15, and was also his last flight in the program..


Last update on October 13, 2020.